Thursday, August 11, 2011

My cousin accused my father of raping her?

She'd been living with us for some yrs but it started happening recently.Instead of telling her mother or us,she allowed it to go on for several months before going to the police & making a complaint, which is how we found out. My sis, my cousin & I are in the same age group(18-20) & share the same friends. Me & my sis found out that she had told a few of our friends what was going on ( she even told my sister's bf) & all of them had kept it a secret all the while although we saw them practically everyday. I live in a small community & the whole thing with all the gory details was in the newspaper(including my father's name) & now EVERYBODY i know (teachers, clmates & friends) know about it. I HATE leaving home because of the way people look at me, (with pity or smug satisfaction) & I HATE the silence that descends in a room whenever I enter & the knowing looks people give one another from which i can tell we were just being discussed. It's getting harder & harder to ignore.

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