Thursday, August 18, 2011

The View's Elisabeth Helbeck: Can She Get Any Lower?

Dennis Hopper was a guest on The View today. He said he voted for Obama(he said he'd been a lifelong Republican but Palin changed his mind) and told a charming story of how Obama expressed condolences when his(Hopper's) mother died. EH immediately glared at him and brought up his history of drug and alcohol abuse. Is anyone else disgusted with how lowdown nasty mean that woman is?

What happens to the membrane during mitosis?

It undergoes cytokinesis which separates the membrane + cytoplasm into 2 daughter cells with equal amounts of cytoplasm in each.

Dietary Advice, 10PTS Guaranteed?

I am looking for advice on Meal Replacement Products most meals I eat are quite good but I find myself eating really bad foods at lunch because I am short on time and I know high fat content provides energy (I get up at 4am for work) so some advice on product brands and any other info would be great.

Is it ok for a commited girlfriend to be out way past 2 am with a single guy?

Ok, I'm in a serious relationship with my girlfriend for two plus years now. It's been the best relationship of my entire life, she's told me of her's as well. Lately though, I've become very concerned. We've recently moved to a new city and in an effort to make friends she's been surfing the strictly platonic section on craigslist. Well, lo and behold some guy contacts her and they've hit it off immediately. Now, twice this week she's been out until past two am. She tells me that nothing's happening, or could happen. And I've no reason to fear, but when I'm out till three am with a girl hanging out laughing and drinking I call it a date. Am I right to be so god damn worried/angry, or am I really overreacting?

I think this sounds pathetic, but how can I make myself feel good about getting older?

I am in my 40s and went through a really early menopause at 41, I don't know why. I just feel depressed about my age and my position in life. I have been married and divorced 4 times starting in my teens and I have no children. I would appreciate really honest or thoughtful answers.

Fantasy football help on running backs?

slaton has a ton of upside. ahman green will not finish the season healthy. this slaton kid been really turning some heads.

How do i get this hairstyle?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Chemistry help PLEASE? ANSWER CLICK THIS!!! 10 POINTS!!!! :D :D :D :D <3?

If a chemist titrates 300.0 mL of H2SO4 with a 3.0 M solution of NaOH and requires only 3.4 mL of the base to reach the endpoint, what is the concentration of the sulfuric acid?

Britney's interview answer?!?

I watched *a bit* of the countdown to the doentary of Britney (the one called "For the Record"). Someone was interviewing Britney while they showed top MTV performances of hers from the past. When asked if she saw herself as a symbol she said not at all and that she saw herself as a dork. Do you think that what she said wasn't true? I mean doesn't it seem obvious that she DOES see herself as a symbol?? Or do you think that maybe she used to but doesn't now??

Acting questions from a kid.?

I'm 13. And I have this incredible pion for acting. I want to be some what big one day. I know a lot of people say that, but i have dedication and will work for my dreams to come true. My parents are in the process of getting divorce. So we don't have a lot of money. and I live in a small town with no theaters. Me and my mom and siblings might move closer to Atlanta. But I want to move out when i'm 17 and live in Atl. And get a part time job and take numerous of acting cles. I will also try to graduate high school early. And move to LA when im old enough. I really want these plans to come true. But like i said, I dont have a lot of money and hardly any support from my parents, and im only 13. So what should I do? Please give realistic answers. Thank You (:

Hard questions maybe girls can answer pls and help?

in my old school that i left 4years ago i liked 2 girls and they did too i think (lets call them L and M) when i went to the school again i saw L and when we saw each other it was just like ( there's something about marry and she looks like her too ) and she invited me to her birthday party and guess what we didn't say a word in it to each other except happy bd while i was leaving and about (M) i saw her there too but we didn't talk at all but later i found her on fb and added her then we chatted a little and i told her i regret not talking to u and she said that means alot to me but now when we chat i always say hi then she replies and the regular talking then she ignores me and dont reply back please tell me what i should do with both of them


im looking for this cute myspace layout but i just cannot find it but like five people i know have it its red cheetah with tan cheetah and it has black lace in it too its soo cute but i just dont know where to find it please link me to the page where it is!!

I am fifteen and my both ears singing since am eleven . tinnitus. help?

i am 15 . i have ringing since am 11 in both ears. it started with a flu and ear pain. both were gone but the ringing stayed. then it was so low that i hardly noticed or complained. but last february. i had another flu and ear pain. the ringing increased and the flu and pain went away. went to a doc. i get scared whenever i enter a clinic. so scared that if you touch me you will feel pulses. anyway he measured blood pressure and found it high. so he told me to go to a heart doc. i went of course i was so scared and bp was high he gave me bp meds for a week bec am young and didnt want me to get used to it then tranquilizers. i also made heart xray on heart and it was alright and blood tests was also fine . i notice when i turn my neck left or right it inc . or when i press on my teeth it inc. i also notice there are fluids alot from my ear after using headphones. i also think i do have bp bec i get pulses all over my body but in summer i was alright and happy but in school days i get all messed up . i have the white noise mp3 but i dunno when to listen for how long or anything . plz help me . i have hope since when i move my neck it inc. and since when i put my headphones fluids come. oh btw in summer when i was not stressed or having bp or anything the ringing was still there and about white noise . if its to help people sleep then i dont need i overcame this stage. plz help me dont scare me . am shaking when am typing this right now and i need hope . am 15 maybe after 15 years there will be cure . who knows

Do you like to Rock!? Do you like Roll? all night long?

I like All kind of rock from alice cooper, ozzy, matellica, korn,ect. just wondering who likes to rock and roll!! these our my opinions of some of the Rock singers and bands I like. was wondering who out there likes all kinds of rock and roll? who mite be their best singer or band, and maybe tell what is the best cd i should get in the singer or band or singers and bands of your opinion is the best!

How do you make Maple and Pecan Danish Pastries?

Danish pastry isn't made with puff pastry, it's more of a yeast bread. Google Danish pastries and check it out.

What did I get suspended from school for. this happened in the 2000-2001 school year?

I was walking around during recess time. I saw a bag of mallomars in a paper bag. i went over to it and ate all the mallomars in the bag then I went over to a teacher from my school mrs.amanda steil townsend and told her what I did then she asked me was that mine I said no. Then mrs.townsend told my cl teacher then I got sent up to the principal's office and then the principal told me the mallomars belonged to a boy named Kevin T Nguyen who was a third grader at my school. I then got suspended from school for a day but for what?

I got a 156 on the PSAT?

So, I got the PSAT results back. I scored a 156, which is roughly the equivalent of a 1560 if it were the SATs. Do you think when it comes down to taking the actual SATs, if I sufficiently prep I'll be able to reach an 1800+?

What should I feed my fish besides for TetraMin Tropical Flakes?

Fist of all get rid of the tetras because when the cichlids get big they will eat them and then you can feed your fish cichlid sticks or pellets

What is the best website for free printable coupons?

I need website that has everyting for home and food. besides supersavers, and cool savings. they dont have much of a selection. help please

How do you convert molecules to grams and vice versa? ?

I hated chemistry in high school. My teacher was awful. At any rate, you want to try and get everything you start off with (in this case, 25.0 g of H2SO4) to mole before converting anywhere else. So you would multiply it by avagadro's number (6.02x 10 to the 23rd power). Then you would multiply this number by how many total molecules are in H2SO4 (2 hydrogens plus 4 sulfates).

Does anyone else do this besides me, when people make mistakes when typing??

i do that too, look at the keyboard and try to see if it was a miss type, and what the word could really be!!! not weird at all :)

When losing a LOT of weight, what was YOUR "miracle food"?

I have been exercising steadily for awhile now and need one type of food that could be made over-and-over to fill me up and help me lose as much weight as possible. Thanks!

What do you think of these shoes?

you would need a certain style to pull those off, and they couldnt be the "everyday" shoes, only once in awhile

What should i do?... stupid mother in law?

well my hubby had been married before! he has a kid by his ex and they still talk and me and her are still friends.. well she informed us that hubbys mom talks to the ex wife and says ohhh we miss u in the family we wish u were still with him i wish u would get back with him... but when they were togeather they hated her... they hardley talked to her and after he left her his mom was like im sooo happy its over... and now she is like oh come to church with us and all this stuff.. hubby wont say anything to her.. well we had a family gathering saturday and his mom dint say one word to me not at all.. but when she goes and gets her granddaughter for visation she talks to hubbys ex for almost an hr.. and im having a baby and she wants the baby every weekend and when hubby is at work.. what should i do about her?

Since we're asking religious questions tonight?

i think we all have it. it is the person who needs to find it. however there are the people who for some reason are born with so much more. sadly there are so many "religions" that is can confuse someone. but do you really think there will be signs in heaver (baptist here, catholic here......) i know God gives us a choice, but what if you are raised a certain way, then that is the "correct" religion for you being that is what you were brought to believe. then yes there are people like me who went from Protestant to catholic to Lutheran. however they all believe in God so i am glad for that.

question for men?

The most difficult thing in that situation would be achieving and maintaining an . Unless the man is still very young-back when I was young all it took was a brief flash of to make it stand at full salute-it's damn near impossible to get excited over someone you just aren't attracted to.

Why is my *** red-ish?

I think you have a disease. Please don't skip to worst case scenario. I don't believe you are going to die, but please go to a doctor to have you checked. For that matter, your mom knows you're gay? And let's you masturbate? Hehe so understanding xD Anyways, please go visit a doctor.

What does it take to be a christian?

I've been kinda down for a few days, and today I realized I want to believe and accept God into my heart, I've been calling myself an atheist, but now I accept that I was just doing that because I was a cynical person, my cynism was all I had, that and my narcissism, but I don't want to be like that anymore. It has been a long time since I last said that I believed in a God, probably the last time i was 14 years old, im 22 right now. I didn't know who to turn to, because most of my friends happened to have the same cynical way of thinking, and they made fun of christians as well, this is the only place that I know I can get answers right away, so please give me some advice. I'd appreciate it.

I have a band and i want to sound like a rap type metal like korn but what would i sing bout?

yea what will i sing about and what should my voice be like i want to sound like korn little bit like the mix of rock and rap but when i do i sound like im raping ? help

Do you think this pic is mean?(pic included)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Question about making electrical modifications to minivan, conversion van or standard van?

An inverter is very inefficient for a load like a heater,I wouldn't do that.What you are thinking of doing is used in boats especially,it's called using a battery isolator.That is achieved by using a diode [one way valve for electrical current].With that in place you can use a 12 volt heater and drain the battery without affecting the starting battery.A good place for information on this is either a marine or RV store.

Would you agree last week's RAW was awesome?

JBL returning, Stone Cold returns in the same segment. Gives 2 stunners to JBL, pours 4 beer cans on Michael Cole and wastes about 30, I thought Stone Cold was drunk since he had so much damn beer.

Is there such thing as a farting disorder?

My friend has this problem. His farts smell like death. When you smell them you have to run away because you can't breathe, and its even worse because he does it so often. So is there a disorder where people fart often and it smells SO BAD?

Need help with the World History?

If you've got time to be on "Answers" you have time to look the answers up on line. Also, you should have paid more attention in cl.

Is a little chocolate syrup in each meal bad for my dog?

I have an older husky (14) that wants to eat less and less (he's 70 pounds). I want to use a little hershey's choc syrup to keep him that bad? The old guy is rejecting hamburger now..looking for suggestions.

What acceleration does this force produce? (m/s^2)?

In outer space, a constant net force of magnitude 136 Newtons is exerted on a 31.4 kg probe initially at rest.

Pitcher Losing 2 Games On The Same Calender Day But Not A Double Header?

Phillies Pitcher Rudy Seanez was the winning pitcher against the Mets in a game that ended at 12:17am EDT so even though the game started on August 26 the game ended on August 27. Then on the game scheduled for August 27, Seanez was the losing pitcher so he won and lost a game on the same calender day but the games were not a double header. Has this happened before? Also, the games were not a continuance of a suspended game. It was just a scheduled game that ended after midnight.

Smoke from carburetor on 73 maverick?

i have white smoke coming from the carburator of an inline 6. everything looks good from what i can tell, but i'm no expert. does anybody have any ideas on what it could be

Mel Torme Jazz Songs I Cannot Find ANYWHERE...?

When I was younger, I used to listen to a Mel Torme CD from the library. It was my favorite and it included tracks with the lyrics "Shrimpers and rice... they're very nice" and "The anything can happen, mambo!" I want to download these tracks and I cannot find them anywhere! Does anyone know where I can get them? Please help.

Should scientists be considering the moral and ethical implications of their work?

Since scientific research, discovery and application can have profound affects on social values, morals and ethics, shouldn't the scientists be thinking about moral and ethical issues when doing research and the possible outcome of their work?

Does anyone listen to Family Radio's open forum with Harold Camping?

Umm... why do you listen to this guy? My radio has knobs that allow me to tune into different stations. It also has a on that allows me to turn it off. Doesn't yours?

Is this True Ladies? Is this true?

Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency = prosperity = Individual Rights = opposite of socialism = Surplus = free time for great works/inventions ...

Which one of these predictions made by Leftist "scientists" in 1970 have come to p?

Just the same garbage they have been spewing for years, and they still are. None of their predictions have come true, and none from today will either.

How many people are in the electoral collage of all the united states?

There are 538 electors for each Presidential election. There isn't actually a standing "electoral college", so you can't really say there are people who are members of it.

Where did Jon Bon Jovi get this jacket?

I don't know where he specifically got it but it's just a military style jacket, you can get them online.

Impedance value of tv antenna cables?

The value you actually referring to is the Characteristic impedance in ohms (Ω). It is determined from the capacitance per unit length (C) and the inductance per unit length (L). The resistance per unit length of the wires are neglected in the impedance calculation.

Anybody know what can be done about allegations in a care home after police have dismissed the case?

what can be done about unsubstantiated allegations against a child carer and can the home in question and staff responsible be taken to court for defamation etc?I am not a coward but cant see how to fight this one?"

How can i stand up for myself?

Sweety, you just have to do it. You don't have to get all angry, but you do need to practice at speaking up.It is hard at first, but if you don't do it they will keep walking on you.

Can CANCER in REPRODUCTIVE areas be HEREDITARY from Mother to Son and/or from Father and Daughter?

Yes it can, but it is rare. There are mutations in the BRCA 1 gene that increases risk for ovarian and prostate cancers among others. This may be ped down to a child, regardless of gender, by either the mother or the father.

Which of the books in the Twilight series was your favorite?

For me, its a tie between the 2nd(cuz so much is revealed after Bella finds out vampires are real) and the 4th cuz it made me love jacob way more than I used to and renesmee is so cool, and I can't believe bella is a cullen and a vampire!

My boyfriend doesnt love me anymore? I'm upset! advice please?

it is hard especially after 2yrs but would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you? someone who doesn't have the same feelings as you? i think it's best for you to move on, if he later realizes what he lost he may come back hopefully not too late, be strong and hang in there.

Who to drop? Royal or Curtis?

Unless I knew more about Royal's status, I would drop Curtis - he's more likely to still be there after the games this week and won't necessarily be completely game ready when he is back. Without knowing who else is available, it's difficult to ess who you should pick up. However, this looks like a good opportunity for Stokley, Schleffler is also injured. The Jacksonville is toward the bottom of the league in p D and have already given up 9 TDs through the air. In addition, the game is in Denver.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What is worth 1000 poems?

Since it is quite complicated to put a monetary figure on a thousand poems, lets say they are priceless. Enjoy them, they are written here for that purpose. These are fantastic!

What books should I read after reading Harry Potter and the Twilight series?

Loved the Harry Potter books and the Twilight series by Meyer. I've also read The Da Vinci Code and enjoyed that. If someone can give me suggestions that are similar reads to these books and are more for late teens/early 20's readers I'd appreciate it.

When sending a rocket into space do we damage the inner ozone layer due to the rocket boosters?

damage the ozone layer? No, only CFC's can damage the ozone (O3) layer and NASA does not use CFC's in it's liquid rocket fuels or solid rocket booster fuels. it does however, contribute a small (very small) amount of polution towards global warming.

How can I permanently get rid of a desktop icon?

The offending shortcut is probably in the Desktop folder at the All User profile rather than in your profile. This being the case, even though you delete the shortcut from your desktop view, you're not really deleting it, you're just removing it from the current view, and whenever you restart the machine, the All User profile pops it right back up on the desktop. To really delete the shortcut, right-click on the Start on, select Explore All Users, go to Doents and Settings, All Users, open the Desktop folder, find and delete the shortcut, then close the Doents and Settings folder. Next time you restart, the shortcut will not appear.

What is the best PC from these setups?

bottom one but u are missing a lot of information on the top one. oh and by the way i have not had a processor that low for a long time. 2.8 ghz. overclock that and get it past 3.0 at least, buy a 2 gpu cause it looks like u might want to see some good graphics. SATA dvd brander is garbo. never stay with sata for optical drives. lastly, nice ram slots, gotta give u credit for those.

Why does she always try and "one up" me?

She sounds like she is an insecure person who feels the need to prove herself to others. If she can make you feel bad, then she feels better about herself. Next time she talks over you...stop, wait till she is done and then say "as I was saying before I got inturrupted..." She should get the hint.

Why do grandparents always think they have right to grandkids?

their kids are gone, grown up, moved out, and they see the grandkids as an extension of themselves, that their family will continue even when they are gone. they also don't have to raise them, so they can "spoil them and send them home". yes a lot of grandparents seem to think they deserve the right to the children whenever they want, which is totally wrong. a lot of grandparents are probably going to be a bad influence on the kids, especially if they were irresponsible as parents. a lot of grandparents seem to not be able to see their kids as grown up enough to raise children so they think they can in whenever they want. i don't think a lot of the grandparents rights cases actually win in courts, but i have never really looked into it. people can judge you, but you have your reasons for keeping your kids away from their grandparents. if it is just because you don't get along with her, that is petty, but if there is more reason than that, well your kids safety is #1 priority....

Crocheting yarns?

what is the difference between arcrlic yarns and arcrlic fiber yarns. and which one has better absorb from water amd last longer

Which WR's to start this week?

Hester because he is big target for Cutler, and with the return game you could get double the fun, Colston because he a must start every week, just too good to bench. Walter, I like the idea that Houston could down early in this one, with Schaub throwing that's good for any Houston wideout.

Ladies Please, Which Bag?

Go with the second one- it looks like it has more support, and that is good considering college usually has a bunch of homework. Fashion doesn't matter as much as comfort. I would rather have a comfortable, non- fashionable bag than a girlie, uncomfortable bag

Converting to Judaism as a teenager?

I'm currently catholic. But Im very interested in converting to Judaism. I've done extensive research on this, and know that this is the path for me. Please don't tell me that "Jesus is the only way" i appreciate your kindness, but I just need answers from people of the jewish faith. I've emailed my local rabbi and am waiting for a reply. In the meantime, what should I do to learn more about the Jewish faith? By the way-I have my mothers full consent regarding this issue, thanks so much!

I want to have a sugar coated tongue?

i am a guy. i dont want to ask ladies out instead the opposite. i want to develop a sugar coated tongue. also there are poeople i see that i intend to ask out but i can nopt ask them out because the level of intimacy we have developed is becoming a barrier. i want to start asking ladies out but not lying to them with the name of love when i know that i am just infatuating. even the asking of from a girl makes me shy. is it good for aa girlfriend to take money from you after . thanks

Custest Couple?

Bill O'Reilly is the bigest *** hole in America, but sometimes he can really bring on a guest that says something important a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Are there any good, easy to read, and fun clics for pre teens?

I know there's a list of clics but many of them such as The Great Gatsby and The Scarlet Letter are difficult to read and comprehend

How are pearls created?

I need to know how oysters make pearls for an english paragraph (weird i know). How are they created? And please, no links, my computer has parental controls that will not let me open anything. Thanks :D

How long should I wait till I do this?

Without giving you the whole long story, I recently (stupidly) snorted Suboxone. I didn't do alot but I did enough to now have withdrawals from the stuff. Im going to get my teeth pulled in 3 days. Suboxone is used to wean people off of opiates and I was curious to know if I should wait longer till the Suboxone is out of system? Will it have any affect? Two days ago I experienced horrible withdrawal symptoms and I dont want to go through that again. Can I safely ingest percocet the way it is intended? Or should I wait longer? Please serious answers only...

Credit card questions!?

I have 3 cards that i need to pay off. Best Buy $ 700, Capitol 1 $200 and Macy's $250. Right now i can afford to pay only about $200 a month towards the cards. So in 6 months I should have them paid off. Each one is about $20 from being maxed out. Should i pay the small ones off first of then big one or vice versa. Which would look better on my credit report?

1960s Stella straight neck guitar?

My grandma has and old 1960s Stella straight neck guitar. The neck is reinforced with steel. I was wondering, if we were to sell the guitar all fixed up in perfect condition, how much would someone buy it for?

What kinda Brit accent is this?

I was looking on this site a href="" rel="nofollow" and I watched the video.. I hardly ever do that. Anyway she has a brit accent I was just wondering what or where it's from. I really like it so I hope u guys could help me. No it's not anything its some kinda music site.

My sim keeps throwing up!?

I have Sims 2 with Nightlife and Celebration Stuff expansion packs (Not sure if it matters, but anyway...). I'm playing the "Broke" family and the mom has two boys but no husband. She keeps throwing up, and whenever she does she has a thought bubble that has a pacifier with a question mark next to it. I have no idea what this means, and I'm pretty sure she isn't sick, since she hasn't eaten any rotten food and the game hasn't told me she's sick, and I'm sure she isn't pregnant since her husband died.

In light of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon....?

In light of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001, do you think the government should have more or less control to exercise prior restraint and block publication or broadcast material that it feels might hurt national security interests?

Chemistry chemical bonding question?

what is the difference between giant ionic , giant covalent and molecular structures. How can i differenciate between them if iam given a list in the exam

Whats the big hype about?

i dont get why people are talking up mark sanchez. he's not that good a qb. sure he had a good season but he plays in the pac 10(weak conference), had a 1 defense helping and some of the best recruits helping on offense. not to mention he only has one year of playing experience under his belt. also take a look at the USC qb history. other then carson palmer, who's good but slowly slipping, they have had no one. leinart sucks and thats why hes riding the bench behind a guy who wasn't even supposed to start this year. , who probably will never take a snap unless its preseason and casell who rode the bench for years and finally got a chance to start cause of an injury. sure he had a good year, but the team was already built and he's also gotta prove that he's not another derek anderson, sanchez will be going to a team that has nothing. i think that he will belly flop and be riding the bench within 2 season. maybe you can give me some incite about why sanchez will be a good qb?

How to improve my car audio?

if you don't want that Boomy crap ya don't need twin 10's just go with a 8" and at least a 100 watt amp to drive it heck save some more money run a 50 watt amp and bridge it to 100 mono keep the 6x9's run a 100 watt amp to them too if they'll handle it Low p the 8 at about 1K Hz if not a little lower. A rule of thumb is that 100 watts will drowned out hiway road noise.

Car Tidy HELP!?

Its called a full valet. Doubt many places would clean out your old food but you never know? look up car valeters in your area some actually come out to your home and see if they clean all of it up for you? good luck!!

Why is my small business receiving 1099-misc's?

Our business is a LLC, and we have been receiving some 1099-misc. forms from some of our customers. Why? Should we have sent them out to our vendors, if so which ones? I am so confused.....

Am I Sick?? Whats wrong with me?

Ok I have cramps...ALL DAY (yes I know what your thinking, let me continue) I have been Peeing like ever hour... And its completely CLEAR and I have not been drinking water so I am confused.. I have actually not been drinking as much as Im peeing... And Im farting ALOT and it smells.... This has been happening for a day almost two? ANY IDEAS IM CONFUSED!?!?!? DONT LAUGH, HELP!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where can I find a size 10 Puma v1.06 K FG soccer shoes please help?

maybe you can try a href="" rel="nofollow" ,it seems good , and the shoes they offer have high quality and low price, wish you can find what you want

Let's go away C. Palmer??? Buckeye Rip???

Wow....Back Track as you were....How bold you were as you made that statement a few days ago and now your recanting it? Just shows your true ways. It isn't USC's Trogan's or the Bengles Tiger stripes. Just goes to prove your a want to be winner who can't do anything in the real league. NFL??? Not For Long my friend I hope you get run out of Cinni fast and is there still an LA Express??? Oh, your just a young punk who wouldn'y even know about that either........Hey like to here from some Cinni fans about there great QB? How do think they will do this year in the divison??? I'll be hoping last because of Mr. Palmer's bad statements.

Do i need a specific bowl for my 2 female zebra finches to bathe in?

I just got 2 female zebra finches and was wondering if i need a specific bowl for them to bathe in or if putting water in the bottom of like, a margarine container or something like that would work fine.

Locked out of my phone Android (huawei)?

Well a friend of mine was toying around with my huawei phone (running android OS), he managed to fail the pattern code A TON OF TIMES. When try to turn the phone on the only think thats popping up is the companys name (Huawei) after about 30 secs it just restarts. So i'm wondering if there is any way to fix this? I can't use the google thing as it wont let me type anything before restarting. I've tried charging it, pulled the battery out... Nothing seem to work. And i really REALLY need my phone everyday! Please help! Thanks.

Why is my dwarf frog attacking the other?

i got the same thing about the gender and they are probable just mating cause mine did. they are not gonna kill each other.

Hauling questions..................?

Hmm... well we only usually haul for shows, so they have blankets and slinkies on already. I always use a shipping wrap on my horse. He is usually excellent in the trailer, so no need for a poll cap. If the drive is more than 2 hours, we will stop ever hour to give them some water and check up on them.

Does it annoy you when strangers do this?

I was in a shop today with my baby in her pram and my 4 year old...well I was stressed out as baby was was crowded 4 year old had her thumb in her mouth...bad I know...I am always telling her to take it out and the dentist has also told this elderly lady came up and shook her finger at my daughter and said "No, no no! You mustn't do that or your teeth will stick out!" It really annoyed me as my daughter is VERY sensitive and also wary of ALL's just her personality....some strange lady coming up like that frightened her....I never said a word...which indicated my displeasure far better than having a go at the lady (who I am sure meant no harm) it is not a strangers place to tell my child this sort of thing,...and in doing it she basically disregarded MY authority....if I want my child to take her thumb out I will tell her...nobody you know what I mean?

About the motorcycles....?

just on the bikers code... probably jerks on harleys that dont react. nothing personal, they are just too stupid to nod or wave

Can someone tell me if my story is any good?

Wow, that looks really interesting. I really want to read more. Keep it going. I'm not sure if you clarify the fact that your narrator is paralyzed later in the story, but you will need to make that clearer. Good story, keep writing.

Another question on physics and sailboats: I'm so grateful for all your help!?

The pressure on the inside of the sail is sort of like a low vacuum. So the pressure is less then atmospheric pressure. Causing the surrounding air to rush in and push the sail forward. Probably in some sort of oscillating motion.

Should I tell my teacher?

I did a project with three other girls, and then was away for a day. When i cam back, they'd decided they'd present and i could just hold up the posters! I did the entire project, and the ONLY thing they did was underline a few headings. My teacher doesn't think i did anything at all! I have some of the rough work...they have the rest. i can get it back though from them. Should I rat them out, and possibly have them hate me (they already do anyway) and get a great mark, or should I let it be, and settle for a failure to make them happy? HELP!! I'm not sure what to do! Save face or not??

Why does an infallible, infinite God rely on fallible, limited creatures to spread His message?

Human beings are incredibly limited in intellect and capacity -- why does a God without apparent limits rely on such creatures to spread His message? If He's omnipotent and perfect, why not do it all Himself? Wouldn't He do a much better job of it than humans? The results of His so-called "plan" are hardly impressive -- mankind can't agree on who God is (Christ? Allah? Vishnu? Other?) and even among Christians, there are thousands of different denominations that do not completely see eye-to-eye with each other. Seems to me like God needs to fire His advisers.

Is there a piece of freeware similar to Easy Macro Recorder?

If you have a blog, you can get a free copy of Jitbit Macro Recorder (it's free for bloggers), details here -

Would you join Y/A Anonymous Meetings?

Hi Mel, welcome to YA anonymous...I'm bluesixxed and i'll be your tell me what brings you here,Mel?

Do you know if listening to a certain genre of music increases/ and or decreases intelligence?

No, listening to music doesn't increase or decrease your intelligence level. People will make up any kind of fabrication to justify their hatred or disdain for music they don't like. For example, i listen to hip hop sometimes and people say that music makes you violent or is for dumb people, but yet I have never been arrested and graduated from college and have a very respectful job. Don't believe everything you read or hear and never allow anybody to influence what kind of music you can and can't enjoy. Listen to what music you want, and respect others for their different taste of music that you may not like or appreciate because music is subjective anyway.

My face gets red, hot and sweaty when I ingest salty foods. Why and what can I do?

Especially when I have processed tomatoes ( such as pizza sauce) or potato chips. I never salt foods. Any help is appreciated. Thank you kindly.

Girl tell me she had boyfriend before?

lets say her name is dennis. when dennis and I talk about relations and boyfriends she would say she never had an asian bf, but she did have a half black and half white bf and other saps that she dated because of sympathy. im just wondering, since i'm asian, if she is interested in me. she has said this several times before. is this a hint? wink wink nod nod? like totally obvious or am i just thundershocked

My little half-sister....?

Well this is tricky, but technically you guys are related by blood which makes this so so very wrong. I have heard of step siblings actually getting married and everything, but half-sibling is a whole other story. It is clearly pretty gross, so I think you should start going out and trying to meet some new people or something. Just because there are attractive people in your family doesn't mean you have to like them. You may just be taken away by her beauty, but that doesn't mean you want to marry her or anything. I think my brother is extremely cute, but nothing more as he is my brother. Just remind yourself of your guys' relationship, whether or not you two knew each other growing up. And maybe focus on some other women.

How do you think Brandon Marshall will do in Miami?

I really like B. Marsh's style of play. He uses what God has given him to his advantage... But like when someone goes to a new team, the results vary. When Moss went to Oakland, he wasn't AS successful. TO's first year in Philly was crazy good...I'm just wondering if you guys think his production will decrease??? I dont want it to, cuz even though he's made his mistakes, on the field he's one of the best...

How many lines of C++ code per megabyte?

Not really. Depending on how the code was written and compiled, you'll get significantly different compiled code size. For example, adding "inline" to a common function declaration can more than double the final binary size. "-unroll" compilation flag can add another 3-5x to the final size. These things all add up quickly.

How did christianity develop in ancient rome?

describe the development of christianity in the Roman Empire. What factors contributed to the triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire

Were the 'laptop loyal' of Scotish football on holiday for the past 3 years ?

What an you are,the Soldiers song is not an IRA song,you have just proved how much a bigot /racist you are,a person of little knowledge.what a ****.

How does the cell wall help the process of protein synthesis?

Cell walls provide support and help cells resist mechanical pressures. The cell wall contains plasmodesmata through which the synthesised polypeptides move out of the cell.

How long will I be sick with this adenovirus?

It started with my son and then daughter vomiting and having cold symptoms, then I got it. Then it turned ugly, got deep into my lungs and sinuses, and intestines causing horrible diarrhea and vomiting. For me, this last thing has been the worst part because it's knocked me off my feet, literally. When I could start to keep things down and get some energy back, it just won't stop out the other end still. I'm on antibiotics for a sinus infection now. Seriously, I think if I were immuno-compromised, I wouldn't make it through this. It's worse than the flu and lasts longer. My mom, who's 64, is really having a hard time with bronchitis, sinus infections, etc. It's a freakin epidemic in my town right now. Every year we get one thing or another that's really bad, having young kids that spread it.

When Sirius Black was arrested for Pettigrew's murder, why didn't he tell them that Pettigrew was an Animagus?

When Sirius Black was arrested for Pettigrew's murder, why didn't he tell them that Pettigrew was an Animagus? And that he could have possibly escaped in that form, even if he did leave a finger behind?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Would you never vote BNP because these conditions are met?

*Yawn* Your question makes no sense. But that's par for the course when dealing with ignorant bigots.

Tell me about this lady's personality?

Drawing on what you've learned from people (especially mid-20s ladies, central Europeans, people who like to travel, hillwalk and see barren landscapes with a wistful look on their face - who now want to settle down, who aren't too close to their parents, who happily spend a year abroad from them working)....tell me about this girl, a 27-year-old Czech who is all of the aforementioned. Who seemed to have to be impressed by me, then she'd be happy, but would equally get disappointed and slightly snap at me - until she found out some jawdropping things about me, and now she deeply regrets not acting ultra sweet all the time, to catch me hook, line and sinker - do you understand? If she never found out these things about me, she would stil be only half-nice, still half-grudgingly invite me to her country, grudgingly go out with me - now she fears she's missed the boat as in those crucial encounters over the first few weeks she wasn't as100%sweet as the other girls we both know are to me.

Why do they cast Morris Chestnut and Gabrielle Union in so many films together?

They are both decent actors. But why are they in so many movies together? That gets a bit boring-if you ask me.

Why is clical music so hard to listen to?

I love clical, and I don't find it hard to listen to at all. And clical music tends to be the cheapest music you can buy (though there are some more expensive ones). I found a three-CD set of clical music for $10, and it wasn't in the bargain bin.

Does my writing sound good?

A couple of problems here. You are trying toooo hard to make erudite statments, and it actually detracts from the story line. And, in the first sentence,it is unclear as to whether the light or the driveways are traveling to the end of the street. You will need a bit of help with punctuation in order to sort out that problem. Your writing will be much more receptive if you can learn to be sharply descriptive without being overly verbose and thesauric.

What's this song about scarlet letter?

I don't normally listen to country station but I sometimes find this song as I'm scanning stations. What song is about a victim of gossip in a small town? One line is: "She has a scarlet letter but we never even met her"

Men: do you find this attractive? (photo) Women feel free to answer too!?

well it depends on how old you are, because thats a really old hairstyle and really short hair usually makes you look even older, so id vote against it, just cuz you dont see many people with it today, but cut it like you feel and dont worry about what other people will think.(:

Can I use the same website name as another website?

I picked a name for a website I want to start but found out the name is already taken and trademarked. BUT, their business is completely different than what mine would be, and I would also have a different domain that possible?

Were in Perth, Western Australia can i purchase Gatsby Hair Products?

Try shopping online if the item is not available in the stores near you. There are plenty of their products on eBay for example so worth having a look.

I need to find the sheet music to someone saved my life tonight.?

In the Movie Hamlet 2, the Tucson's gay men's choir sang someone saved my life tonight by elton john. Does anyone know where i can find that arrangement of the song that is in 3 or 4 part, preferably SATB. I heard it and I think it would be a great song for the choir I am starting. First answers with it gets 10. Thanks

Would you take my survey of 10 questions?

i am religious and i am amuslim i drink normal water .my favourit book is -prophets's stories-and my and i eat every thing .my parents are muslims , i love rai music if u don't know what is it email me i will tell u .i have no political affiliation but i love my land and i am 19.

Two dreams... Nightmares really- Please interpret?

I think the first dream might mean something about your friendship with the girl. The trail could symbolize your friendship, but it is icy like you could fall (break your friendship) at any time. A sharp turn comes (a turning point) and you see something, a bloody footprint. Footprints are something that was in the past, but stays, like the broken friendship, so the footprint could be the point where the friendship broke. She kept running, and you didn't call her back to resolve the problem. Stumped on the second dream maybe you feel you have problems communicating with family. It helps to yze your own dreams because they have to do with you and your problems. I don't know about your life so this is my best guess.

Do you think that "religion" is becoming a form of manipulation ?

Anti Christ are teaching in some or most of our church today,and the people that attend these churches are either brainwashed for lack of knowledge or are going to the church which preach what they want to hear not what God wants them to hear,and they allow any one no matter what they do attend their church without ever telling them what their doing is a sin,I believe if you don't know God by asking Jesus to for give you of your sins and accept him as your personal savior,and receive the Holy Spirit and ask him to guide you through your relationship and Gods word the Holy Bible so that you yourself really knows God and have a personal relationship with God, you can easily be manipulated into believing other than what God needs you to believe,I believe allot of churches are teaching and preaching manipulation instead of preaching what really needs to be preaches which is Gods Word the Holy Bible to its fullest without leaving any scripture out just to please people and gain for this life out of it, what they don't realize by being manipulative this is the only life their going to have,and the ones who accept their manipulation for the truth,all will find their self in the lake of fire know as hell.



Are rich people different from us?

Rich has nothing to do with basic personality. Personally, the rottenest most hateful creeps I have ever met were not rich people. Most of them I found to be extremely nice.

Why won't the afgahn i am crocheting lay flat?

i am crocheting a afghan. i have gotten to the fourth row, and it just won't lay straight or flat. it twists, and will not even lay straight when i pull on the ends. it lays like this...~~~. i am using the standard stitch. any ideas on how i can make it lay flat? oh...the very first row is a little tighter than the rest. i don't believe i missed any stitches.

What happens to physics when the temperature gets to Absolute Hot, the opposite of Absolute Zero?

It occurred to me one day in science cl; all things have opposites unless they are neutral. The opposite of matter is antimatter, the opposite of an electron is a proton, etc. So, naturally, if there is an Absolute Zero in which energy cannot be taken away any more, then there must be an Absolute Hot, I guess, in which no more energy can be given. So my question is, what happens to physics at such a temperature, and if so, what is it? Also, why would it be impossible to add more heat? It seemed to me that perhaps the reason it would be impossible to add more heat is because there would be no more heat left in the universe. Hmmmm. Was that the temperature of the Universe at the Big Bang? Please answer my first question in three forms of degrees: Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit. Thank you!

Algorithm predicting how likely and how much people will donate?

I am trying to develop a formula for an alumni organization using a database of alumni donation history. I want to develop some kind of formula indicating how likely and how much an alumnus will donate-- a "givability score." The formula would take into account how much someone has donated in the past, how often they have donated, how wealthy they are, etc. Any ideas on how I could go about developing this formula? Thanks!

What are some apps i can download to the huawei ascend that will make it more like the Iphone?

Ive had this phone for awhile and someone told me about some of those home apps, or what ever they are called, and he showed me and told me that is one that will make it more like the Iphone and i wasn't sure what it was called so if anyone knows what it is called that tell me thank you.

Determine the %w/w sulphur? a bit tricy for me?

The %w/w of sulphur in petrol was determined by burning the fuel and collecting the S in the form of SO2(g) (fw 80.1) gas ped into dilute H2O2 where the gas forms H2SO4. The amount of H2SO4 produced was then determined by titration. In one experiment, 8.99 g petrol was burned and the H2SO4 produced was titrated with 18.33 mL of 0.0911 M NaOH. Determine the %w/w sulphur (at wt 32.1) in the fuel?

Did anyone on the Collins project have major personality flaws ?

I cannot imagine such outright irreverent brutality by such unabashed fiends seeking to apply bully boy tactics to undermines other staff members. Personality flaws are partly remedied by understanding and an admission. Seniors do not ordinarily take kindly to bullying but given the present political climate its would not be entirely dismissible to consider such a ploy. Once uncovered the bully is rectified and is occasioned to bully no more.

Which is considered worse according to the law? Attempted MURDER or Manslaughter?

I'm sure it differs between states. Here you could get 20 years for attempted murder but only 10 for 2nd degree manslaughter.

Hello R&P! I thought I'd do a feature on Deathrock...?

Nice to see someone else who is a fan of deathrock. For anyone else reading this who's new to the genre I'm going to add to the list of newer bands Scarlet's Remains and Bloody Dead and y.

Brink Character Customisation not showing up on multiplayer?

So I've perfected my character's appearance, only to find out when I go multiplayer, I don't play as that character - not the same appearance or weapons or even on the same team as my character. is this a bug?

Lien holder signed check, bank won't cash, what can we do??

Ask the lien-holder to give you a letter on company letterhead stating that you are authorized to cash the check. The only VALID reason the bank could have is they are not sure the lien-holder actually endorsed the check.

3000 years from now will the majority of the world believe that Harry Potter was for real..?

and will the Harry Potter myths overtake the Biblical myths? Probably JK Rowling may be thought to have heard God's voice and is the first and probably the only prophet of the modern era.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do I have a right to tell them no more PDA?

My boyfriend of four years and I decided to see other people a couple months ago. We are still best friends and hang out all the time. We both admited to still having feelings for each other, but we know that its better to stay friends. Both of us have started dating other people since then, but he hasn't seen me with any other guys yet. However, he brings his new girlfriend (a friend of mine too!) to my house to hang out a lot now. I have told both of them I have no problem with them being together... but I do have a problem with seeing them kiss and "caress" each other. They do it a lot and I know that I make it obvious that it makes me uncomfortable. Should I say something to them or should I keep my mouth shut because I'm not with him anymore?

So, I kinda lied to my mom about my first kiss, and now she won't stop talking about it?

It's never to late to say that it was a lie. Just straight up tell her that you lied. Tell her that you've just really were getting fed up with all the teasing on how you've never kissed anyone. Tell her that you're really not worried about it, not kissing anyone yet. That you're looking for that special *special* guy. And tell her that you will tell her when you do have your first kiss as long as she keeps it quiet.

There is another guy in her life but hasn't told me about him?

she talks to me about all her friends except for him, she likes to hide him, never mensioned him to me,, but me being sly through facebook, i knew there was something going on between her and him.., i know exactly who he is, but as i added her on facebook she accepted and hid this album from me to see,, why is that? we arnt dating or anything we are just friends,,, i know they are just friends to,, but she hasnt told me about him.

Is this a cold or just teething symptoms?

Gracee is cutting her bottom molars right now and has been not sleeping well and is in a lot of pain. She also has a runny and congested nose. SHe is sneezing a lot and has watery eyes...the mucus is mostly clear though, just a little yellow. Do you think she also has a cold or are the other symptoms most likely from her teeth coming in?

Do u think the girl still likes me?..?

We were good frens when we were 12 yrsold , later , we advance to secondary skul, and we seldom talk and soon , we dun even chat online, we love each other last time , but we are not a couple ,later , she even got a boyfriend and she turns bi t c hy and sluty, later , they broke up, but 1 thing , when we meet each other in skul,we are super shy, we dont even say hi , i can feel it , theres so much shyness in between us , its hard to communicate , hoW? do u think she still love me , allthough we are frens , but we dont even chat with each other , Its like something is still in between it ,we dun even make eye contact , shes afraid to look at me and i alwaiz try my best to avoid her when we were close,wads happening , can u guys tell me?I still have some feeling for her but not sure whether she has....

ICarly episode question?

i rue the day when they eat tominom i think and nevel kisess carly and carly puts tominom on his face LOL i love that episoide

Where can i find out everything i need to know abut hairdressing in scotland?

i want to learn hairdressing without going to college but through working as an apprentice at a shop-but do all shops offer this?

Why is my mother in law my best mt8 one week and arms length the next this drives me up the wall shes wierd?

It's not you, it is her and you won't be able to change her. Do yourself a favor, and visit only when necessary (holidays) and stop trying to make her like you. Use good manners, of course, and help when necessary, but stop the rest. Your husband knows that it is hopeless, and you should listen to him. If his dad is nice, just talk to him.

How do I defeat Rayquaza in Pokemon Red Rescue Team with a Cyndaquil and a Chikorita?

I'm trying to defeat Rayquaza in red rescue team with a Cyndaquil as a starter and Chikorita as a partner. I saved at the checkpoint already. Most people are probably just going to say to use Smokescreen. I already know that. I am level 29 and my partner is level 28. My Cyndaquil knows Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Hidden Power, and Flame Wheel. My partner, Chikorita, knows PoisonPowder, Tackle (Linked with PoisonPowder), Razor Leaf, and Synthesis. Normally I would use a link box and link all 4 of my moves together on a boss, but I don't have a link box. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

Why is the Virginia Tech tragedy resonating so deeply around the world?

Yeah Bill O'Reilly asked the same question tonight. He talked about the 12 Iraqi policemen killed on video today and released on the jihadist website. He also informed people on the 4 bombs that the Sunni dropped and killed over 150 people today. I think it was the Sunni anyway. But yeah, I think it's a huge story for us because it happened in our country. It's more personal and we are able to empathize more. And other countries care about this because it happened to America. But I still don't know why there is so little coverage of fallen soldiers around the globe.

Where can i rent comics in Malaysia? ( is better if its in PJ )?

I saw one in SS2 PJ, same row as Maybank, opp the hawker centre, but that was months ago. I don't know if they are still in business.

Why is this AD banned from the superbowl is the world not ready?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How many of you have been believing that there are many ways to get to heaven?

The Bible does not agree with the modern view that there are many acceptable ways to worship God. Ephesians 4:5 says there is “one Lord, one faith.” Jesus stated: “Narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it. . . . Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.”—Matt. 7:13, 14, 21; see also 1 Corinthians 1:10.

Is it ok to use proactive without sleeping?

It should be fine; you'll just be walking around with a white spot of mask on your face. The mask is really good stuff.

Is there a way to get my printer to print on glossy paper?

I have a Canon i900D photo printer and I want to print some brochures. When I try to print on glossy paper, the ink sort of sits on the surface and takes a long time to dry and the black bleeds into the other colors. I've messed with the settings and have actually had the same problem printing on other specialty papers. The blue and green colors don't print true on this paper either. What's the deal?

Any teen stores for good clothes?

There is a lot of stores you can go to. Most girls go to American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Pac Sun, Aeropostale and J. Crew. A lot of people like these clothes. But American Eagle is more expensive. If you like to dress uniquely, try thrift shops. They have great, one of a kind, choices.

Why do some believe in "Expert" views and opinions?

I'm an Italian Frank, as far as I'm concerned my opinion is the only one that counts! lol. Have a grrreat day! Linda

What age is good to start training Muay Thai Kickboxing?

I'd say in the mid to late teens. Starting around then you would probably be more likely to stick with it, in the early teens nobody is really sure of what they love to do yet.

Why is "y" not considered a vowel?

I understand that saying: a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y. And that every word needs a vowel, the word "why" is an example of "y" covering for a vowel. "y" also has a short sound AND a long sound. How come it is just not a vowel?

How come lebron likes other sports team outside cleveland?

I really think that he's doing this to turn those cities to him...cause ppl i know that he knows that the ppl of cleveland wont hate him cause he's 1 of the best in the history of the he's trying to get the new yorkers and the texans to him...i dont think that he's doing it in purpose though...Nike?Maybe...

Today is my birthday! What should I do?

today is midterm make-up day so i am home all alone and it's my 15th birthday. i am really bored what should i do to celebrate?

I was born in Kuwait and left to india after kuwait war. I have indian pport. But need the certificate?

I need the birth certificate from Kuwait Authorities... Is there a way to get the certificate with out going to Kuwait. Please let me know how can i do this

Is Playa del Carmen safe for work? I want to work on a resort in the area, but have heard negative things?

i've been there three times and my boyfreind used to work at a resort there. from what i saw it seemed pretty awesome. if i knew spanish better that would something i would do. i love that area the best (compared to other places in mexico i have been) the nightlife is good also.

I haev adiscus aquarium.... and they all are around 6" big in 7 of them?

recently i introduced 10 pairs of neon tetra's and after a week discus starts eating them.....and they all just vanished in some discus eat neon tetra....

Is this arrogance, or is this something else?

I often times find myself looking down on people. For instance, this girl, Mandy, was attempting to be friends with me, and she was sort of checking me out, but I look down on her. As a matter of fact, I look down on everyone I meet for the first time. It's all on a subconscious level though. I have a sense of disgust with almost everyone. It's as though I look down on them people are merely sick creatures not worthy of even looking at me. I'm having trouble not looking down on people. It's a natural thing. I don't consciously look at people in disgust. I understand why people say they think I am the type of kid that was fed with a silver spoon his entire life.

Diluting hydrochloric acid help!?

Step by step instructions will depend on how much of the more concentrated you have and how much of the dilute you need but for 1M dilute a volume of 2M with an equal volume of water for 0.5M dilute a volume of 2M with 3 volumes of water.

Why would any Lebanese Christian oppose Israel, even tho they fight the same Islamist enemy/?

Why would any Lebanese Christian support the Muslim states against Israel? Lebanese Christians, like Jews, have also been oppressed by Islam. The "Arab cause" is really just an Islamic cause. It was the PLO and Hezbollah and the Syrians who brought terrorism to Lebanon. Why can't the Christians of Lebanon stand up and support Israel, destroy Hezbollah, and join with the Judeo-Christian tradition? Why do they continue to be dhimmis?

How do change my career from MBA Marketing to MBA finance?

as i am MBA Marketing and Work Exp of2 yrs in media sales but not happy with what I am doing as it doesn't involve anything to do with intellect..which I feel MBA Finance how do I change my field? and should I change?..kindly help!

Friday, August 12, 2011

I don't need him or her?

Is it true that if a woman has been single for so long; They get to the point, that don't need a man later on life? It's like God brings someone in your life when your not looking, don't need him or her, or expecting it at all. For example, I know a woman that has been single for 3 years after her husband cheated on her; They were happily married for about 10 years and decided that it was best to go their ways because she found out that her husband was cheating on her with a long time friend/lover that he knew. He finalized everything and signed the papers; He still sees and do for the children when as needed, but she doesn't really call him for much because she's working two jobs and her kids are in daycare and school. She has her own car and house and she took her husband in when they met in a bar; Yeah, I know. Between her mom; Their grandmother, she helps out when is needed when she does her other job around 5:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. on off days because she works for the state with her first job. She moved on and later on, a man/friend wanted too marry her; She decided that she didn't need/want him so, she turned the guy down and became friends with him; He was kinda mad, but got over it. He was and still is a full-time worker, no alcohol, no drug problem, nor did he have kids by any other women. He was willing to take her and her two kids in and support them all. I guess she figured that she didn't need him or his money because she could do bad by herself without any man. The guy, is still working and doing good and she's doing good too; They still talk and go out for dinner or whatever, but I guess when you have been single, hurt, alone, and abused so long; You get to the point, that desperation is not a necessity anymore, but a want.

I work with someone who doesnt feel the cold?

Well, there is a solution for it - either change your seat position or get yourself some warm clothing during the office hours only- secondly drink lots of coffee and keep walking in the office every now and then - that makes you warm and keep you fight the cold, maybe -its only you are getting the cold - the men are not getting the cold is something strange - Its usually women dont feel the cold - its only men who feel the cold - here its vice versa - that means you need to warm up yourself every now and then to keep the cold- just for your comfort you cannot stop others comfort plz.

Best Team Ever, Yet Only 6 out of 12?

a couple things.....first of all i would look into adding some speed to your team.....also i wouldnt panic! you have alot of people on your team that are either underachieving or currently hurt. this will not last...look at it this way..what are the chances delgado will ever finish the season batting .189? not very good...which mean he will go through a time where he picks it up. theres an old saying in baseball that everything seems to even out. delgados gonna hit his homers and get you rbis, tejada will end up with his usual 30 hr 120 rbi so just hang in will be fine.

Songs that fit Ponyboy Curtis?

I need a song that would fit Ponyboy Curtis from the Outsiders.The song needs to be between the years 1960 and 1965.I can't find anything and I need the song for school tomorrow.Please Help.

She loves to fart what can I say?

Ok so my girlfriend likes to fart I know weird. I had some gas one one day and she pulled my pant stuck her nose in my crack and told me to fart again so I let out a loud smelly fart I said srry she said give me another. Then one day she ate a ton of gy foods and was farting in bed she turned on the light pulled down her pants and told me to put my face down there so I just did it she farted and farted in my face. This was all with bare s what do you think on this.


i've been trying to lower my phosohate levels for about 2 weeks now. my tap water has about 1 ppm and i tested some bottled water and some distilled water and they were 1.5ppm and 2.0 (or above)ppm respectively. phosphate sponges are a good temporary fix but i am looking for a permenant fix. reverse osmosis isnt really an option for me any suggestions?

How can i thank God for something big he has done for me? (kind of long, really sorry, but i need help)?

That's ridiculous, what you did is enough. He's God, do you think he can't hear you or something? Just trust that he did, and it's okay. he understands.

Are the Atheists attempting to rewrite history?

Not to say that atheists can't overstep their bounds but A) who are these atheists who are trying to get the constitution changed? B) isn't that the sort of thing we have Constitutional Amendments for? C) I don't think the Deists would agree with you that they are Satanists D) who gives a **** whether the forefathers were Christians or not? They also smoked dope, had interracial and owned slaves. I'm ok with the first two and not ok with the third even though it's reflected in modern wage slavery and public schooling. As for the forefathers being Christians, get off your and do something about it. If you think that America should be the defender of Christianity, then by all means, get off your heinie and form a unified church. If you can't even do that then don't come whining to me that 'atheists are rewriting history'. I am not personally rewriting history and you won't even defend the inherent 'Christianness' that you claim is based on Christianity. You have 80% of the country tered across 30 thousand denominations. Take charge. What would Jesus do? Damn dude, grow some Heavenly or something.Hell, put it to a vote and even I will vote for a Christian theocratic takeover of America. Whiners, damn. If you don't like it, maybe God is working in mysterious ways again.

Who is Edgar Cayce famous for?

Do you mean "what is Edgar Cayce famous for?" He is mostly famous for his holistic medical cures. Beyond that some see his readings as a way to connect with our true selves. I will not elaborate on that. However, when I had mive cysts, instead of surgery, I resorted to castor oil packs, first recommended by Cayce. Now, two years later, they have subsided and my exams show no problems. I believe he had a perspective that few of us will ever realize. This does not mean he was right about everything. Being an imperfect human he made mistakes and may have even been influenced by negative forces. Cayce was a devout Christian.

Will I still enjoy reading the Da Vinci Code?

I have heard such controversy over this book, and I am not wanting to buy into some conspiracy theory, is that all this book is about or is it just an enjoyable read that encourages you to think and use your imagination? Is is worth my time to read???

How could something as beautiful as life, end finitely without an afterlife?

I believe there is nothing after life, I don't know why we have it but I accept that instead of spending time thinking of reasons why we should be grateful to whatever caused it and experience as much as we can before the time we have is up ... people seeing deceased family members is one that my father believes because he saw my grandmother the night she died in his room with my mother who also saw her, I can't explain it and get goosebumps thinking about it, but considering how smart the human brain is it could us playing mind games

Is a breeder financially responsible for treating genetic illnesses?

I bought a beautiful bulldog puppy in May of this year. He recently has gotten red mange, which is hereditary. Should I ask the breeder to pay for the meds and dips to clear it up? Or is it a buyer beware sort of situation?

Any ideas for a dorm room?

I am trying to think of some cute things for my dorm this fall. I would like to make everything. My mom and I know how to sew. Would a plain quilt instead of a comforter be too thin? I need advice, ideas, colors, supply list, etc! Just anything to do with the dorm room, dorm life, or college in any way! Thank you in advance!

Guy troubles please give me advice!?

i don't think that its you thts doing something wrong. i think its the guy. Your doing the right thing, be nice, friendly and stuff. but i think the guy needs a break which is why he is sending the signals. just give him some space and he'll come talking to you later

Beethoven or mozart?

who do you like better and who do you think is actually better (ex. skill, talent, creativity, feeling, etc)

I kissed a guy my friend likes.?

the same thing happend to me lol well next time she talks about him say that u rele like him 2 and u want to date him or stuff like that well good luck

Did Adolf Hitler know how to do System of Equations?

Of course this is basic education was thought in what would be junior high school. I really have no deal if he ever did it in his adult life again - unlikly as he considered himself an artist and later a polititian but he learned it.

How do you get trailblazer title in Dungeon Fighter?

I was a closed beta tester and i heard we would get a trailblazer status to increase your status. How or where do i get this?

How will the TSA counter the "Suppository Bomber" when he attacks airlines in the name of Allah?

LOL, now that is good. They are going to just put it down below and TSA will leave a lasting impression on the pengers (victims) minds of being groped right before they are blown sky high. This administration just seems to out do themselves with each ping day, they want to make sure we get scr*wed in everyway possible as they finish us off.

Wii update problem please help!!!?

i accedently deleted the forecast and news channel and i found a way to bring them back by updating my wii but the problem is its already v3.4u so i tried updating but it said i am already up todate and the 2 channels appeared but i cant use them every time i click them a messege says you must perform a wii system update to use this channel and when iclick update it says u r already up to date i tried downgrading my wii but i couldnt bec of the new upgrade so please help me

Question about Dostoevsky and the problem of evil?

I believe you are referring to the dialog from the "Grand Inquisitor" dialog. Yes, I think you have it right.

The best internet for a new housing edition?

I live in a new housing edition where Cable isn't yet available, and I was wondering which internet provider would be the fastest that I could get besides Cable. I'm currently using Hughs Net and it sucks to say the least. So which internet provider should I use until Cable is available here?

How do i make sure no one recognize me?

Ok those were just 2 pictures i posted on my old account (2 wonderful pictures i drawn) , but my old account got slandered and i had a bad reprutation on the Forums , I am afraid if some one knows that its me or maybe remembers those 2 pictures i posted and says omega its him and the reprutation and bad things return.. do you think some one would remember?

I'm trying to grow my hair back healthy but I need to know if this is ok..?

My hair used to be fairly thick and alot more lively with less split ends and dead dried out strands, but i killed it with a straightener, dying it, and improper protection. So now I've cut it short and am slowly cutting the dyed sections off. But to ensure healthy hair growth I've started taking biotin and multivitamins and using a reconstructing conditioner. However, I still blowdry and straighten everyday. But when I do I use chi silk infusion and chi 44 iron guard. So will this be ok and still allow my hair to grow back healthy?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who should I start on my fantasy team...?

id start Marion Barber or Knowshown Moreno over Sproles cuz ur not sure how many carries hes gonna get with LT being the starter. id probably start Rodgers over Favre, id really want to see favre play a few games before i think about starting him over Rodgers. Go with Olsen for sure over Carlson.

If Lita was to host RAW, Who would be better, Trish or Lita+WQ?

Trish would be the better host honestly. Lita would be great too, but Trish has more of a connection with the WWE superstars. If Lita was brought back, she'd get all kind of chants from the Matt/Edge storyline.

Is NASA worth government funding?

I've heard the argument that, in addition to space exploration technology, NASA has produced many other technologies that have applications on Earth, and therefore government funding for NASA is important. But if all of the money used to fund NASA were instead used to fund one or more research labs that were dedicated solely to finding solutions to problems on Earth, it seems to me that important problems facing humanity that NASA solved would likely have been solved significantly earlier than they have been and we would currently have solutions to major problems we are facing today. Is space exploration really more important than solving more problems on Earth?

Who predicts a Patriot win today?

I don't . Bill belichick is an excellent coach and has an excellent team, but when you have been good for this long other teams start to circle you on their calender, everyone talks about you and how to beat you, the steelers have a good shot at beating them and even if they don't they will not go to the super bowl cuse they have to go through indy and possibly pittsburgh again, two teams with outstabding chances to beat them.what are your thoughts?

What are some REALLY SCARY movies?

Me and my friends are planning to go to their house and watch scary movies right before Halloween. We soo crazy ! HAHA . But the thing is we can't think of anything scary. Can you recommend a REALLY scary movie for us to watch? I don't want a gory, bloody movie the Saw series . We're looking for stuff that will like keep us awake at night and like be scared to go to the bathroom . HEEHEE . It'd be really appreciated ! ;D

Q. of probability...Please help!?

A bag contains 30 tickets numbered 1 to 30. Five tickets are drawn at random and arranged in ascending order. Find the probability that the middle number is 20. { can be done by permutation or combination or with sets}

Why don't you piut a little twist to it and stop "deliberating" because all these years of "deliberation" ?

have been quite de-liberating? We are sick of terrorists and loathe people who rip us off, kidnap our children, bomb our places of worship, and attempt to destroy our economies from within and without, as they attempt to undermine every chance of fair governance whilst tearing the fabric of our society. Please make sure that the bank is with the treasury and the domestic carrier is actually that. These one day/overnight transformations are as old, stale and as bad for the digestion as the 4 year old Tsunami food (which BTW you also can't blame on the President) SPEED THE PLOW!!!

How do people do the Russian transformation dance?

It's mostly in talent shows and suppose to be a brain teaser for the public. If you see shows like America's got talent or Australia's got talent they are capable of changing their outfits or hair under pieces of material or boxes in just a few seconds with the partner holding up the material and shaking it about. They leave no clothes on the floor only the material they change their outfit behind and they change into beautiful outfits in the way of a dance. How do they do it? It's been on my mind for ages and it's got to the point it irratating to try and figure out. They do it so quick there is no chance they are capable of changing there outfit the normal way. Also what's the proper name for it? A dance like this?

What are the Chances.....Redskins?

Odds of signing all of those players...0%. Thats like saying, if we can get half of the pro-bowl team, and land a great and improbable draft cl we'll be good. Obviously you would, but its unrealistic. Maybe one FA and in the draft I wouldn't be so sure Bradford will be around at 4.

What's the one word(s)/phrase you say too much? What's your sign?

I say 'cool beans' way too much but it's such an nonsensical phrase that I can't help but love it. Oh yeah, and 'woooooooow'. I also drop the f bomb a lot. I cuss in general more than I should.

Would crying help me get on task?

I have to fix three essays and nothing won't come out of my mind. Doing these essays the first time took a lot of my energy first time I did them because I had all my midterms in the same week. I got the essays back, but have to fix them. I CANT think, CANT make myself go over them, i've been trying this whole weekend but to no avail. I need to do this by tomorrow morning, someone please give me some tips...this is killing me. I feel this rush inside my body that tells me I BETTER finish this ASAP, but the same rush is not helping me start. What do i do? Whats wrong with me?

Has anyone noticed the majority of Bush's pardons are people with something to do with drugs?

Gotta get his friends out I cant tell me he isnt going to smoke a big fatty when all is said and done!

Who do you think will win the AFC next year?

San Diego for sure.They always have a chance. Vincent Jackson had a coming out party this year. Chambers is a big threat and he wasn't on the team till mid-way through the season. Defense will be addressed through frree agents and the draft.

I'm looking for a dietary supplement that will improve muscle m.?

I want to get a bit bigger without gaining water wait like some shakes do, does anyone have anything in mind?

My cousin accused my father of raping her?

She'd been living with us for some yrs but it started happening recently.Instead of telling her mother or us,she allowed it to go on for several months before going to the police & making a complaint, which is how we found out. My sis, my cousin & I are in the same age group(18-20) & share the same friends. Me & my sis found out that she had told a few of our friends what was going on ( she even told my sister's bf) & all of them had kept it a secret all the while although we saw them practically everyday. I live in a small community & the whole thing with all the gory details was in the newspaper(including my father's name) & now EVERYBODY i know (teachers, clmates & friends) know about it. I HATE leaving home because of the way people look at me, (with pity or smug satisfaction) & I HATE the silence that descends in a room whenever I enter & the knowing looks people give one another from which i can tell we were just being discussed. It's getting harder & harder to ignore.

Where can I find a good blog about web hosting that isn't run by a total sellout?

The best I've run across is Upstart Blogger (, but the author's consistent plugging of one host has left me wary. Are there any blogs about hosting that aren't so shady and give just the facts?

Why do fan belts break?

The fan belt on my car which I share with my sister recently broke, and now I'm having to fork out �40 towards the cost of it getting fixed. I'm at uni at the moment, so she's been driving the car solely for 3-4 months. What I want to know is if it's her fault? I'm guessing that it's not from my little knowledge of cars, but she's also managed to break the lock on the main door and I know that she's skidded in the car before from when she wasn't driving properly, so I'm just curious to know if she's also to blame for fan belt breaking... :P

Isnt it STRANGE???my gf cheated me and still i miss can i forget that *****??HELP NEEDED...?

I love her frm 7 years and she accepted me abt 6 months ago.we met 2 days continuosly and we lives 500km away.we were in long dist rship. 2-3 days ago,she told me that i m typical guy ,emotional and dont match with her.we also decided to marry bt eventually bt she cheated me.i just gonna mad to explain her many times. she is richer than me and 1 year older than me.she dont care about me and dont respect to me.she dont share anything frm 1 month.i doubt on her and she was behaving rude with me. i dont think she has any bf bt i dont like her male friends after seeing sent messages of HER FB AC.She sent messages to some unknw guyz and introduced herself to them.i dont like these things. when she refused to marry with me then i got angry and i replied some ABUSIVE WORDS.i beg pardon to her many times bt still she refusing me.even she told me that she wil call the police..i was very excited to marry with her and she dont like me even i give her an advise.she always telling me i knw what to do next. MY SISTERS AND BRO s i m really INNOCENT. Even she dont carrying me then why my mind and heart RECALLING her???i just want to forget that *****.coz she is heart less and care less to me.I truely love her bt she is just her self and showing her attitude.that ***** dont realize and respect my love.

Ramadan: How can one be a Koranist?

The Qu'ran tells us to follow the Sunnah, so if you were truly following the Qu'ran then you would have to follow the Sunnah too right?

Printable email address list?

When I view and print a printable email address list (all contacts), the output is alphabetized based on the nickname. Is there any way I can get this listing based on the first name being alphabetized? I prefer my email lists in alpha order by last name so I entered the last name in the first as suggested by another 'answer'.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Physics -Mirrors?

A point source of light is submerged 3.0 m below the surface of a lake and emits rays in all directions. On the surface of the lake, directly above the source, the area illuminated is a circle. What is the maximum radius that this circle could have?

Tag heuer s925 208k 200m tester ladies' watch, is it authentic?

somebody gave me a tag bt i cannot tell if it's authentic. the inside color is rust, the dials look like genuine, bt when i checked on the side on we used in setting the time and date (you know, that thing we pull to change the time and date), i noticed that it didnt have the tag logo, which normally would be seen in tag watches. the strap and back of the watch have the tag logos too, and the model number. just wondering if this is genuine or not.. ive shown it to a watch seller, but he's not confident enough to say if it's real.. he's just new in work, he says.. help, anyone?

Why are uneducated ppl still claiming that Black men are given preference over White women?

Black men were given the right to vote first with the 15th amendment and white women were finally given the right to vote with the 19th amendment. Not to say that black men are always treated better than white women (this is obviously not true), but you have to realize and accept that overt ism is still very real, and even more acceptable than overt racism. In this years past primary election, the media was careful to not imply racist attitudes, but when it came to Hilary Clinton, the ist remarks were plentiful and seen as not that big of a deal. I am not saying that black men are treated better than white women, but you have to see that in a greater world perspective women are still seen very much as second-cl citizens. Women still receive lower wages, are ually harred in the work place, and are subjected to stereotypes as well. I am black, so I feel I can see both persepctives on this issue. I see what you are saying but maybe try to see it from another perspective as well.

Im sick and i dont know what i have! Please HELP!?

I don't know, but I think I'd go see the Dr before you end up in the emergency room at the Hospital.

I was wondering about real dentist-sharpened vampire teeth...?

Before you go all out, how old are you? What do you do/want to do for a career? Vampire teeth may seem "cool" in high school/college, and possibly in some professions like tattoo artists, body piercers, musicians, or bar tenders. However, if you plan on doing anything even slightly conservative, vampire teeth = no job because you'll look, well, like a vampire... just throwing it out there...

Fantasy bye week who to drop?

bye week is forcing me to drop one of my reserve RBs ..i need to drop one of these RBs ..maroney buckhalter or felix jones ...who should i drop?

I am just starting to read comic books. What do you recommend for me?

I can't give you any specific titles, but Dark Horse Comics is known for putting out some rather off-mainstream stuff. I've enjoyed most of what I've read from them.

My Schefflera arboricola or umbrella tree and humidity?

I want to make my umbrella tree grow ariel roots but to do so i need humid there any way that i can get more humidity intothe air in my house??

Winter wedding ideas (not in a church) ?

Oooh, I'm getting married in Dec. 2010 too! I am getting married in a nice hotel. They can set a room up like a chapel and another like a reception. You'll have to create an altar area using an arch or something but you can really make it look nice. I would recommend reading some bridal magazines for ideas. I highly recommend Martha Stewart Weddings.

My 2 female cats who used to get along GREAT dont anymore.?

I have a 2 year old cat and a 7 month old Kitten. Both are females. They got along fantastically for the first few months. Always following each other around and snuggling and purring. They were so happy. We just moved to a new flat about 3 weeks ago and things haven't been going so well. At first they were fine and happy. but the 2 year old is getting really aggressive with the kitten. The kitten walks up to her and the adult cat hisses at her and smacks her for no reason. Now the kitten is half afraid of her and desperately seeking love and affection from us at night...but then the adult cat gets jealous when she sees the kitten with us...This has all happened over the course of the week. Now they are both getting spayed next week. The oldest one has been in heat around the kitten and has been fine in the past. But I guess i'm just wondering if when they both get spayed and settle down in the new flat if the aggression with stop, and will they be happy again. I feel so bad for the kitten right now, she looks so upset all of the time. And I feel so badly for the adult because she seems so jealous. I dont know what to do!

Anyone know anything about cheetahs?

Does anyone know if Cheetahs (as in the bited wild cats) have different shade furs? Like can one cheetah's fur be a darker tan/golden color or are all of them the same color? I'm writing a storey and it has to do with cheetahs and i was just wondering about there colourings.

My husband has gout.NOTHING help+he can eat basicly nothing without getting swollen feet,ankles or fingers?

He will get windy with a tummy ache.The moment this happens we start to look at what kind of "wrong" food he ate.He can't eat any green vegetables, bread, cake, ANY cool drinks,fruits,wheat, meat,mince,fish,fried food,onions,tomatoes.What causes gout.Too much Protein? In lack of magnesium or phosphates? What other minerals can help.He drinks "Iberogast" liquid drops, Salm fish oil and Milk thistle.He had kidney stones, some 14 years ago. Is it possible that stress can trigger gout? Spastic colon? It is very painful and he drinks lots of water because it can get very hot-he is a farmer

I can pick up Trent edwards but have to drop either Ricky Williams,Josh Reed,Willis McGahee or Ryan Grant.what?

i'd drop reed, but you better check on edwards status for this week if you're looking to cover a bye week because he was injured.

What to do with my one year old baby?

My daughter turned one week ago. I started to give her solid food like we eat such as bake ziti, mashed potatoes, applesauce etc but she wont eat and spit them out. She doesnt want to drink whole milk either, she still wants to drink her toddler formula. I dont know what to do with her. Any suggestions? could I delay her solid and switching of whole milk? i got tempted to give her formula bec she wont eat nothing. she would cry over the formula. what should I do?


If you ume that the concentration data given is when the system is in equilibrium (in other words, it has reacted as far as it can) then you can find Kc using its definition. Kc is equal to the concentrations of the products multiplied together, and then divided by the concentrations of the reactants multiplied together. In this equation there are two reactants and one product.


okay so I have brink for the xbox 360. HOW DO I UNLOCK LEVEL CREDITS? at this point I get 1 every time I level up. but what happens when I get to the highest level? do I no longer get level credits?

Does my cat trust me? Is he attached to me?

When a cat shows you his belly, that's a big sign of trust. Congrats, your cat trusts and is attached to you! You share a bond that will grow deep within the years. Just show your affection back, and it'll come back and forth with you guys learning more and more about each other. Enjoy the deep bond.

My Private Part Died Today.?

An old man, Mr. Goldstein, was living the last of his life in a nursing home. One day he appeared to be very sad and depressed. Nurse Tracy asked if there was anything wrong. "Yes, Nurse Tracy, my private part died today and I am very sad." Knowing her patients were forgetful and sometimes a little crazy, she replied, Oh, I'm so sorry, Mr. Goldstein, please accept my condolences. The following day, Mr. Goldstein was walking down the hall with his private part hanging out of his pjs, when he met Nurse Tracy. "Mr. Goldstein, you shouldn't be walking down the hall like that....please put your private part back inside your pjs. "But Nurse Tracy", Mr. Goldstein replied," I told you yesterday that my private part had died". "Yes you did tell me that, but why is it hanging out of your pjs?" "Well", he replied, "Today's the viewing."

How to know if you need a new transmission?

I have a 97 Honda Prelude with a H22 doch vtec engine..the transmission is tiptronic and when i turn on the car the Drive 4 (D4) gear flashes and the engine light pops up..When i put the gear on D4 or any drive gear it hesitates to start.... and the up and down shifting when out completely..Any suggestions on what could it be?

I need help citing within a paper?

I used a video as one of my sources and while I know how to put it in a bibliography, I'm not sure how to cite it within my paper. I am using MLA formatting. Thanks!

Floyd, Moss or Holmes in PPR League?

none of these guys are great PPR options, Floyd is the best if he plays, then go with Holmes..Moss will be shut down this week

Prince william stated he enjoyed getting his freedom back after the break up...what does that mean?

People are social animals and we are all looking to make connections with people - presumably that's why wills starting dating kate. I am a 35 year old bloke - but don't understand what blokes mean when they say having a girlfriend restricts their freedom ? Surely blokes can do the random sh*gging thing before dating a steady girlfriend (some do it on the side) - so what do blokes mean by this?

I'm in love with this girl. But she has a BOYFRIEND! Ugh... High School...?

look, if shes okay with leaving someone for you then shell be okay with leaving you for someone else. every time. sorry.

Brazil STD?

I was in Brazil had unprotected and since have had some ...well what looks like bumps or crators on the moon on my willie lol that word . I was told was viral infection but seems to always be comming back . Any ideas oh I have been to two doctors and tried diff. creams and still comes back .

How often should a give my puppy a bath?

What a doll! He is sooooo cute! You really shouldn't bathe the dog any more than twice a month and be sure you use a gentle dog shampoo. Also brushing him every day will keep his coat and skin at its best, but with your allergies, be sure to brush him outside.

Does life speak to you, my friends? (come read my real answer to BG's challenge)?

Peter, you sure know how to weave a tale; it is a captivating work and gave me the thrill chills throughout the telling. I love the way the tree featured largely throughout Abraham and Sarah's lives and then provided the boards for their coffin. My favorite part though was the acorn falling into the grave - so that another great oak would grow and stand guard over them. What a fitting memorial and a self-sustaining one, at that. Bravo!

What can i do with pebbles?

I have a penchant for collecting pebbles, but i do not want them to pile up and gather dust. is there anything i can make/ do with them? I do not have a garden, therefore laying them along the garden path is out of the question.

What are the symptoms of stomach flu?

temperature, nausea, loss of appetite, stomach pain or discomfort, diarrhea, high temperature, vomiting...

Is this a good idea for a story/novel?

Your idea sounds really interesting; however when you're looking for advice on a summary, make sure it's shorter so you get the basic ideas down and the most important plot. you immediately want to mention the main character and his/her purpose/goal and the reason for the existence of this story alone. though i am sure your character's goal is in there somewhere it was just too much to handle reading in one page :) basically just make sure you have a main character, a few secondary characters, a setting, a beginning, middle, end, and always make sure the main character has a goal otherwise he or she has no purpose of being on an adventure/in a story (your idea sounds like adventure). Also make sure you have a genre as that is very important so it doesn't get too choppy or side tracked. I would also reccomend talking to other writers you know in person like a teacher, family or friend because it's easier to get advice from other writers. Hope I helped and good luck!

Why do some of you think you have the right to tell a wrestler to hang it up?

I agree with you 100%. I can't stand these fans today who want all of the veterans to retire so that it will just be those useless young guys that will not come within a million miles of accomplishing what the veterans have done. I absolutely hate the so-called "youth movement" in wrestling today. It will only result in the death of pro wrestling in the near future. That is a guarantee.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have mouth ulsers in my mouth and they r very painfull,i no u get them from an over heated stomach but other than bonjela i dont no wot to use to help or cure them.

Does anyone else find this craaaazy?!?

I wouldn't want to do that, but everybody is different. If that's how she feels comfortable communicating, then that's up to her. I don't often use texts myself, and I work in the cell phone industry! :-)

Are you looking forward to Big Bird bringing you your Christmas gift this year instead of Santa Claus?

I would take a video of it happening because no one will believe me when I tell them that Big Bird came instead of Santa Claus.

Was my brother right in cutting off our parents for being racist?

My brother and I are very close. He recently decided to cut off our parents after they made racist comments towards his black girlfriend. We all met her and despite the fact that she is beautiful, successful, intelligent and makes my brother happy, my parents still told him to go date a white girl. I was very offended too. My brother confronted our parents and they refused to apologize and are now even accused his girlfriend of manipulating him into calling his family racist. They want him to keep in touch with them, but refuse to stop acting like racist bigots. My mother is constantly begging me to try to convince him to break up with his girl, but I personally support his decision. What's the best way to cope with racist parents who just won't get it?

Rate/fix my Zombie deck!!! (YGO)?

i can't really tell what kind of zombie deck u using? Mill or Swarm or the new zombie world deck for control? im trying to construct a zombie world deck and i won't have any ll bluds, because for me they don't really work, but i would get the new Zombie World deck and get 2 zombie worlds in there and maybe a paladin of cursed dragon and red eyes zombie dragon. If u can i would add crush card virus if u have, and can't get, try to get a deck devastation virus until u get crush virus. Hope this helps :D

Why does this keep happening to me?

Almost 50 and going through menopause. I go see doctors and they think I'm a nut. I'm on depression meds better not say a word to anyone about that 'cause then they'de really think I'm nuts, oops did that too late. Father abandoned me at 2wks old, nutty life, twin sister thinks I'm going to die every day and that is only reason she calls no basis for it, it's strange, tired of it, cute is over when it comes to being in one city and in the other was a rain shower and an accident on tv did you die? Nope can't come see ya, can't have family time w/you...Can I come over? no I;ve got too much house work... 6mo goes by, 8 mos goes by.... She acts loony toony and freaks out on anything I say, gets real serious and turns everything into a negative.... Same w/my mother who is an alcoholic and loves to put me down because I look alot like that side of the family I don't even know. She has emotionally abused me way too much and still does it. I keep trying to be a good daughter but the one who is so wonderful is the paranoid one... I never get a call where it's pleasant. So also I married a man I thought loved me, turns out he is a 40 yr old guys body w/mentalit of a 14 yr old. Never wants to talk to me, or read a book, everything is sooooo superficial I want to crawl out of my skin. I try so hard not to be mean to these sensitive people, but where do I ever get to be treated nice, or real!? I go to church and my kids sit there and pout. My husband can't wait for his nap.... He like to say, in a joking way "a crap and a nap and I do not need an audiance." I do everything around here and just grad. w/honors at a college and cannot find work since then, not even in fast food. We lost our home and are in bankruptcy, and my husband just works comes home and goes to bed. My kids are my wonderful life. We want to leave to hubby too, to south carolina there I'd be able to get work the employment is 7% my husband can be transfered. Better schools for kids, more to do w/them, I want them to go to karate lessons or something good! Lately, I've really been tryng to get stronger w/the Lord I'm a christian and boy when I do, satan is right there given me a hard time, my husband will start cussing and yelling all hell breaks loose. I've got trust issue w/the Lord sometimes because I see him as the big authority figure and not the loving figure I need to see, has to do w/my father abandoning me... So I reached out to other girls/women i've known in other churches too i've gone to and tell them to pray for this trust issue thing... What did they do, IGNORED ME... One I've known for 17 years before she even met her husband as an aquaintance she is, but still, I had her on facebook and what did she do.... Well she ripped me right off of there. But guess what, she is attending my church I told her about she said she didn't have one to really go to before she trusted... She is attending the same one I go to now, but IGNORING ME. It's really uncomfortable. I can't approach her I'm a big whim and am afriad of the cruel words I've heard so many times from sooooo many people. My husband thinks we should act all lovely and nice like nothing happened.... Forget my feelings or how this has hurt me. He never wants to discuss life issues w/me. He'd rather take nap. Now that we are getting closer to the possibilities of moving out of state to go to South Carolina I'm in CA..... I'm getting a twinge of guilt, and am afraid to leave behind my paranoid out of her mind twin sister who can't come visit me, but thinks at everymove I'm going to die in a car accident... and my 78 year old mother who will think that B* * * *! How dare she, she's planned this all along, I was right about her..... I've never been the one to really make these two people happy and am afraid of hurting them deeply... I don't want them to feel abandoned... Even though they never see me for X-mas, B-days, ignores my kids bdays, listen and gossip and say bad things to each other about me... That I am married I've got Shon my husband,,, "but she has no body" my mother says.....I am going nuts in this nutty world folks....I need prayers. Yes my husband and I are seeing a marriage councelor in our church, I just need a little bit of a lift, a little bit of encouragement, before I become a raging lunatic for the mere fact it is all so convaluted w/suspiciion and rudeness that I don't ever make.... I just want my kids happy, to lead a life God would want me to, and to be able to get sleep at night w/o this severe sleep insomnia from the pain and damage of life itself, not entirely done by me ya know. pls. help.

In WOMEN, where is the testosterone located?

It is a hormone - it is not located anywhere. It is produced in her ovaries and adrenal glands. Women always have testosterone. Testosterone is what gives a women her drive - without it she has none. Women on the pill often have their levels suppressed (the side effect of the pill is not only can't you get pregnant - you don't want to have as often either - so less likely to get pregnant.)

I've tried starting the Atkins diet, but confused about what I can eat?

I know not to eat bread, pasta, rice, and other grainy stuff. But the allowed foods list doesn't say anything about fruits or stuff like peanut er. I don't understand the whole "net carb" thing. What about yogurt?I usually eat a lot of fruit on a daily basis, like strawberries, bananas, and gfruit. Are these foods ok? Any put you could give or answers to the foods listed would be so helpful. Thanks!

How to take a picture to see what your face Actually Looks Like??/?

ask some1 else to take it for you becuz its difficlut to try to take a pic of urself tat doesnt make u looka bit differnt cuz of the angle but just ask a friend or mom to take it but also put ur hair up for a better view ! :D

Only read this is you are tolerant to gender stereotypes?

well firstly, i think in general, women value cleanliness more than guys (with exceptions of course). sometimes when i strain noodles, i don't wash the colander... i'll just put it back with the clean dishes. BUT sometimes little pieces of noodles get stuck in the holes. also, the noodles create a kind of residue in the water, so at least make sure you rinse the colander off after you strain the noodles.

Please answer my health question!?

Okay well 2 days ago i woke up at 1 am and threw up and like every 35 mintues after i would throw up but it would only be like spit. anyways everytime would have to get up i would get dizzy . then i was throwing up really hott and then after really cold. i did have a fever. yesturday i had a fever and threw up once in the morning abut thats it. i was consently sleeping i would say about 35% of the day i was i woke up feeling pretty good but now i have neck pain im worried can someone tell me what possibly can be happining to me " dont tell me to go to the docter i want to see what you think frist"

How to play the Electric Guitar?

i use to play it when i was like 7, and i want to play again, but i dont remember were the fingers go, and the "letters" and stuff, is there a website with printable instructions or something??

I need help with my iPod?

I asked a question before about Transferring my iPod purchases, and that has been resolved. I was able to transfer them perfectly fine, but then when I put them on my iPod Nano 8GB, some of the album artwork was mixed up, but only for certain artists/songs. Example: Hannah Montana songs were replaced with Flo Rida's artwork, because I have his song: Right Round. Plus, songs I have from the Twilight movie (I bought the whole album) were replaced with a High School Musical 3 artwork from a song I have called 'The Boys are Back.' Anyone know what I can do or how I can get help from Apple themselves? Any help would be appreciated ASAP!

What fantasy football team is better?

Team #2 is your best bet since Team #1's Sidney Rice and Vincent Jackson are both out. Adam Vinatieri is also not the lock that he used to be.

Why does my car accelerate and decelerate?

i have a 92 honda prelude andwhen i put it in neutral are in park it accelerates to 2000 rpms the decelerates to 1000rpms and it just goes back in forth from 2000 to 1000 put it doesnt do it when it on drive or reverse??

Please help me! I need a background!?

I'm doing a presentation on Enlightenment Thinkers, specifically Sir Francis Bacon tomorrow on PowerPoint and I cant find a suitable template! Please help? Any ideas?

Ryan Braun & Chris Young for Roy Oswalt & Jacoby elbury?

I agree with the others about the trade, but why would you even play in a league with this type of scoring.


I just read about one christian who said that they will be "laughing at all the atheists while all the christians ascend to heaven". The question got deleted, I'm asuming because it makes christians look horribly bad . I'm at least partially sure that most chrisitian smugness in the area of treatment towards heathens is due to this "atheists shall burn attitude".

Do you love Jesus?

I do ,Explain your testimony for the whole world to understand how good Jesus is.God Bless you Love Cindy.

Oregon Military Dept phone number?

So my boyfriend is in the Navy and currently stationed in Spain; he calls me at least twice a day. Since my mother pays for half of my cell phone bill, she started kinda freaking out because she said that she hopes that we're not being charged for it. He explained it to me but I don't remember, but I guess he calls into the Military Dep't in Oregon because that's the number he calls me from so will I be charged for an international call or not?

Which of these is a good book...?

I read them all and like them all, but for me I like A Farewell to Arms, it kept me wanted to turn the me it wasn't dull.

Ladies Only! please check out my profile?

Well first off i don't go for guys with long hair and that would be my reason, plus i do have a bf. P.S I agree get a new photo and look happy!

Need to make a travel Brochure?

I need to make a travel brochure for a Spanish-speaking people about Greece. What type of info do I need to include?

erfly knife question?

i want to get one of those dull practice erfly knifes and i want to know can it be sharpened to be like a regular erfly knife

Fed up with the teaching profession?!?

I got a Masters in Guidance and Counseling. That way, I was able to continue working with kids- which is why I became a teacher to begin with- but now I don't have the stress of the clroom. Trust me, counseling is still a stressful job, but in a different way. You have to deal with some pretty serious problems, but in the end, you are helping the kids. My only advice if you plan on doing it, try to get yourself a Middle School job. Maybe it is different in other districts , but where I am Elementary counselors are just administrators that deal with bad kids and High School counselors are Credit Checkers- just making sure they graduate. In Middle School, you actually get to counsel them!

Anyone know where to find a skirt like this?

there was one kinda like that in aeropostale!! it might help to look at therif stores like st.vincines or stores like that garage sales help to!!

Is this paranormal.......????

Ok so my best friend of four years just comes out and tells me she has been having these weird paranormal (if thats what is it) her whole life. She says she has repeated dreams of the same person, who is male, but she never remembers his face. She fell the ''presence" of someone with her all the time, but not in a threatening way. She is not religous so no "god" tastic answers please. Also she gets pressure head achs and has a really hard time remembering her childhood from nine years old and under, yet she remembers things if other people where there. (not sure if thats related.) She thinks it could be a watcher or chi spirit or fairy or somthing like that. please any advice or help would be much apreciated.

Help me choose a prom dress please?!?

5 is my favorite,but in the grey.the other dresses are pretty but they don't seem formal enough.5 stands out,and they don't have red as a choice for 3.but i really think you should go with 5 because it's very elegant and pretty.

Where to sell used novels in Singapore?

Anyone knows where to sell used novels for a good price in Singapore, especially novels that are used for literature lessons (I have neat novels that are only underlined, no scribbles/handwriting). Thanks in advance!

Will these fish work together?

A 55 gal. tank should be able to accommodate those fish just fine. All of the fish you list are pretty peaceful so you shouldn't have to worry about aggression. I would wait until the tank is well cycled before adding rummy nose my experience they are very particular about their pH (the red on their nose will fade away if the pH is too high or too low, so they make good pH monitors at a glance). Also, guppies are still schooling fish and I don't like to keep less than 4 or *maybe* 3 of a schooling species because I feel it stresses them so I would consider either leaving out the guppies or getting at least 4 depending on how crowded your tank is. Also, you don't say whether or not your tank is planted...planted tanks can handle a slightly heavier fish load than an unplanted tank.

Which of the following substances will move across the plasma membrane?

Iodine would move through the membrane via diffusion, water through osmosis. The cell membrane is selectively permeable, so macromolecules like starch and sugar can not move through via diffusion or osmosis. They're way too big. They could only cross through the membrane via active transport, or pinocytosis (cell eating). Diffusion and osmosis are both pive transport, not requiring energy from the cell. Active transport does require the cell's energy.

What are ur top new pop songs?

I would say Ive downloaded all of them. Good songs, I not only like the old ones but also some of the new ones as well.

SURVEY: Shall I Ask My Parents About My Birth Time To Know The ASC OR Shall I Leave / Keep My Hobby Secret?

Just ask, to get your rising sign you really need to know your exact time of birth and it is a crucial factor in any astrological profile. If you want to guess but pick the sign you feel you are most like. I always felt more like a Pisces than a Libra when I read descriptions in books as a kid before I studied astrology seriously. I was not surprised at all to discover that my rising sign is Pisces.

Last time I checked ( as in United States vs. Nixon) the US Supreme Court affirmed the practise of?

Executive Privilege as an importat part of the Separation of Powers doctrine. Do you think Democrats attempts to file contempt charges against President Bushes aides, Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers (both of who are protected under executive privilege) for failing to testify, motivated by political gain as usual? Who do you think will eventually win this historic power struggle between Congress and the White House